Amcl no laser scan receved.

asked 2019-03-21 11:51:40 -0500

aryanna003 gravatar image

updated 2019-03-22 08:17:25 -0500

I'm using amcl with laser scan and i'have this warn:

No laser scan received (and thus no pose updates have been published) for 1553185817.016421 seconds. Verify that data is being published on the /scan topic.

the laser public data correctly and i public odometry with this script.

Pid: 25146 Connections: * topic: /rosout * to: /rosout * direction: outbound * transport: TCPROS

topic: /tf
    to: /amcl
    direction: outbound

    transport: INTRAPROCESS

    topic: /tf
    to: /amcl ( http://arianna-MSI:44209/ )
    direction: inbound
    transport: INTRAPROCESS

topic: /tf
    to: /odometry_publisher ( http://arianna-MSI:33259/ )
    direction: inbound
    transport: TCPROS

topic: /tf_static
    to: /camera/realsense2_camera_manager ( http://arianna-MSI:37699/ )
    direction: inbound
    transport: TCPROS

topic: /scan
    to: /laser_scan_publisher ( http://arianna-MSI:37603/ )
    direction: inbound
    transport: TCPRO

where is the problem? Thanks for your help

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Can you edit the question to add the output of following commands please?

rostopic info /scan
rosnode info /amcl
janindu gravatar image janindu  ( 2019-03-24 21:57:28 -0500 )edit