How to access to the Displays docking panel via RViz API

asked 2020-05-01 15:24:28 -0500

RayROS gravatar image

updated 2022-03-20 09:53:48 -0500

lucasw gravatar image

I am trying to access to the Displays docking panel in the print screen below using the RViz API


The goal of doing this is that I am re implementing some of the methods to be used on a Qt5 GUI. In particular, as an example, I would like to launch a GUI and uncheck the Marker message but NOT from the usual RViz panel but unchecking it from my interface.

After going through the RViz API I have no idea how to access the Displays docking panel or how it is called the panel itself. Before writing any code I need to understand how to access that panel to uncheck/check the box.

The RViz API is huge and I am getting lost , Does anyone know what is the function/method that I should use to access the Displays panel? And therefore what would be the methods/functions to arrive to those checkboxes?


Thank you very much for pointing to the right direction.

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