VLP-16 Puck Lidar: Packet containing angle overflow

asked 2020-05-15 09:37:08 -0500

RayROS gravatar image

updated 2020-05-15 09:37:38 -0500

After installing and following the procedure on the official documentation I launch rviz, the node roslaunch velodyne_pointcloud VLP16_points.launch and add the rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 map velodyne 10 but I got the following warning:

Packet containing angle overflow

I would like to ask what the implications are about this warning or if it is something I should not worry about and if the lidar could have some problems.


process[velodyne_nodelet_manager-1]: started with pid [7897]
process[velodyne_nodelet_manager_driver-2]: started with pid [7898]
process[velodyne_nodelet_manager_cloud-3]: started with pid [7899]
process[velodyne_nodelet_manager_laserscan-4]: started with pid [7901]
[ WARN] [1589552492.881642563]: Packet containing angle overflow, first angle: 35963 second angle: 4
[ WARN] [1589552552.892507786]: Packet containing angle overflow, first angle: 35977 second angle: 17
[ WARN] [1589552612.901854094]: Packet containing angle overflow, first angle: 35981 second angle: 21
[ WARN] [1589552672.915402337]: Packet containing angle overflow, first angle: 35967 second angle: 7

I have been readin from this ticket that this is due to the latest version of the velodyne 16 but I am not sure if that is something I should worry about or if this is something that needs to be taken care of. From the same post a user this February had the same problem with Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic.

Thank you very much for pointing in the right direction.

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Hi, have you solved the issue?

marzan gravatar image marzan  ( 2022-02-12 01:58:59 -0500 )edit