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Help needed with Autoware Gazebo setup for MPC_follower

asked 2020-08-03 23:15:12 -0500

updated 2020-08-04 23:12:51 -0500

Hi Guys ,

1 week ago , i got started out with Autoware stack . I am fairly accustomed with the ROS ecosystem (have good experience with packages like move_base )

Any how , I am trying to get the Autoware Gazebo simulation to work with their planners .

I have already gone through the following link(s) and can now launch the Gazebo world with the vehicle (I am able to move the vehicle by publishing the Twist values )


Basically , Trying to run mpc_follower link , it takes the following inputs

    /mpc_waypoints : reference waypoints (generated in mpc_waypoints_converter)
    /current_pose : self pose
    /vehicle_status : vehicle information (as velocity and steering angle source)
    /twist_raw : command for vehicle
    /ctrl_raw : command for vehicle

I have piped these inputs correctly(to the best of my knowledge ) , yet i am not seeing the twist values generated by this package I am confused !

If any of you know a detailed tutorial on how to get started with Autoware and Gazebo , please share !.

image description

WHAT are the issues i am facing :

  1. Here's the log output : [ INFO] [1576075515.839709316]: [MPC] MPC is not solved. ref_traj_.size() = 0, my_position_ok_ = 1, my_velocity_ok_ = 0, my_steering_ok_ = 0
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@TakaHoribe Can you help here?

Josh Whitley gravatar image Josh Whitley  ( 2020-08-05 23:41:40 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2020-08-07 09:49:03 -0500

TakaHoribe gravatar image

There should be mode nodes such as lane_rule, lane_stop, lane_select and vel_pos_conext to connect topics correctly.

[MPC] MPC is not solved. ref_traj_.size() = 0, my_position_ok_ = 1, my_velocity_ok_ = 0, my_steering_ok_ = 0

implies that the needed trajectory, velocity, and steering topic are not received in the mpc.

Please make sure that the autoware_msgs/VehicleStatus and geometry_msgs::Twist and autoware_msgs::Lane is connected to the MPC node.

About those topics, autoware_msgs/VehicleStatus and geometry_msgs/Twist should be published by the Gazebo and connected to the MPC (using relay or remap).

For autoware_msgs::Lane, we usually launch lane_rule, lane_stop, lane_select, velocity_set and astar_avoid to connect the lane information from waypoint_loader to some controller nodes (/pure_pursuit or /mpc_follower).

This video might be useful (from the autoware wiki).

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And maybe this is also related.

(setup the autoware with LGSVL)

TakaHoribe gravatar image TakaHoribe  ( 2020-08-07 09:50:13 -0500 )edit

@TakaHoribe , Thank you for your input .

I am going step by step , trying to get it to work!

I have switched to LGSVL as there is more documentation on that .

Once i get that to work , then will i have a good idea about what is required & what was missing on the Gazebo front .

I will definitely update my findings on this.

If necessary , will make a minimal repo for people to get started out .

chrissunny94 gravatar image chrissunny94  ( 2020-08-08 11:03:03 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2020-08-03 23:15:12 -0500

Seen: 417 times

Last updated: Aug 07 '20