'http//packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu jammy release' does not have a release file (Ubuntu22.04, Oracle VM VirtualBox, Noetic) [closed]

asked 2022-05-12 15:30:30 -0500

v-r_UW gravatar image

updated 2022-05-12 23:33:16 -0500

gvdhoorn gravatar image

The message happens after I type "sudo apt update" then I get the message I'm asking about. I tried looking up what it could be and saw that removing the PPA would help but when I went to "other softwares" there was only "http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu jammy main" box which was selected already.

Very new to this so if someone could answer in detail and with definitions.

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Closed for the following reason duplicate question by gvdhoorn
close date 2022-05-12 23:42:56.664710


For noetic, the apt repository is created only for ubuntu 20. If you want to use any other os, you must build the packages from source code. Building from source is not recommended for new ros users.

Mike Scheutzow gravatar image Mike Scheutzow  ( 2022-05-12 16:37:42 -0500 )edit

Let's try to keep duplicates to a minimum.

See #q400396.

Summarising: Noetic is not supported on anything but Ubuntu 20.04 (ie: Focal).

Ubuntu Jammy (22.04) is not officially supported.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2022-05-12 23:32:43 -0500 )edit