ROS2 to OpenDDS Communication

asked 2022-11-08 20:02:48 -0500


I am attempting to establish a DDS connection between the example ROS2 turtlesim Node /turtle1/cmd_vel topic using the default fast dds middleware and a custom OpenDDS RTPS implementation running in a separate process.

I've ported over the IDL file and seem to almost have everything working but I can't get values to publish. When using the RTQ Topic Monitor I am able to see the Topic (even if I change the topic to /turtle2/cmd_vel the new topic will appear in the topic monitor and the type is recognised). But the actual message is not appearing when I echo the topic or on the Node Graph.

I also configured the QoS as specified here

I'm not exactly sure what I need to be tweaking to get this working and any insight would be very helpful.

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