apt can't find ros-melodic on Ubuntu 18/arm64, removed?

asked 2023-06-29 05:33:17 -0500

felixf4xu gravatar image


I'm trying to install ros1 melodic to my xavier based device and it's Ubuntu 18.04 on arm64.

I'm following http://wiki.ros.org/melodic/Installat... and update the apt source.

After that, if I do apt search ros-m* and try to get ros-melodic-* but there is no result.

If I do apt search ros-no*, there are lots of ros-noetic-* packages.

I'd like to check if ros-melodic-* has been removed and only noetic is left?

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Are you sure you are on 18.04? I ask because 18.04 only gets Melodic, not Noetic packages. I would not expect a search for ros-noetic-* to show you anything on 18.04, unless you configured the 20.04 package repositories. Even for arm64.

Disregarding that: with Melodic having gone EOL (just this last/this week actually), you may to use the SnapshotRepository.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2023-06-29 08:13:26 -0500 )edit