could not establish connection to remote host vscode?

asked 2023-08-04 07:09:24 -0500

Huseyn gravatar image

Killing the server also did not work, i am trying to connect via ssh vscode to ubuntu 18.04, any help?

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Could you be more specific what you are doing? Which Ros version you are using do you use a virtual machine etc. This will likely give you a faster and better answer on you question.



ElectricRay gravatar image ElectricRay  ( 2023-08-06 09:44:34 -0500 )edit

Hi Ray, i am want to development with docker via Vscode, ROS2 humble into omni wheel robot. Thanks

Huseyn gravatar image Huseyn  ( 2023-08-07 01:04:56 -0500 )edit

Ok well I don't know what is docker so sorry I can't elp you with that. I created a remote connection by assigning IP adresses in the ./bashrc file. With that I can make a remote connection from my desktop with the robot which is using a Jetson Nano with ROS Noetic running on it. That is probably a different way as you are trying to do.

ps maybe you should remove the tags ros and melodic cause those refer to a different version as you are using which might be confusing for other readers.

ElectricRay gravatar image ElectricRay  ( 2023-08-07 11:54:40 -0500 )edit