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Can't get a good connection remotle with roscore

asked 2023-08-04 13:02:51 -0500

ElectricRay gravatar image

updated 2023-08-04 13:07:02 -0500


For some kind of reason I'm unable to get a good connection remotely with roscore. I have on my Jetson Nano roscore running and setup the ./bashrc file with ip address

export ROS_IP=

When I do a ifconfig on Ubuntu (running on VMware) I get as IP addres

So on my Ubuntu VM is set in the ./bashrc file

export ROS_IP=

Now when I run a publisher on my Jetson Nano (e.g. Hello World) and can subscribe to the topic on the destkop Ubuntu machine and see the data comming in. But when I run a publisher on my desktop (e.g. Hello World) the Jetson doesn't see the data comming in. Although when I do a rostopic list it shows the topic.

Does anybody knows how to fix this? I must do something wrong. I think t is the network settings but I cant change the IP addres of the VM, I tried to change it but it did give me the good results I was even unable to connect to roscore.

Some help would be appreciated

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I will assume when you say "the Jetson doesn't see the data" you mean you have a subscriber running on the Jetson and the subscriber callback doesn't get entered. I have to ask, does it work if you the run both publisher and subscriber on the desktop? You're running same version of ROS on both machines?

billy gravatar image billy  ( 2023-08-05 14:46:25 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2023-08-06 06:59:37 -0500

ElectricRay gravatar image

I have figured out what went wrong. It were a couple of things all related to eachother. So as you can see in my question the IP address of the desktop and Jetson Nano were not in the same range. This creates issues, in order to fix this when using a Virtual Machine one needs to bridge the network card. As I was using WiFi on my destkop and have the free version of VMware I could not bridge the WiFi card. So what I did is connect my desktop with a LAN cable to my router and that bridge the network card.

By doing this I am able to send between publishers and subscribers n both direction data messages.

So problem solved

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Mike Scheutzow gravatar image Mike Scheutzow  ( 2023-08-06 07:35:17 -0500 )edit

I tried to do so but I dont have enough points to do this

ElectricRay gravatar image ElectricRay  ( 2023-08-06 09:36:02 -0500 )edit

oh yeah, I forgot about that.

Mike Scheutzow gravatar image Mike Scheutzow  ( 2023-08-06 11:13:04 -0500 )edit

np, I don't know how I receive points I have two questions answered by myself because I fogured it out eventually and thought would be good to close them.

ElectricRay gravatar image ElectricRay  ( 2023-08-06 13:55:49 -0500 )edit

I +1'd this post so maybe now you have the points needed.

billy gravatar image billy  ( 2023-08-08 01:24:52 -0500 )edit

Thanks! as you can see now I have the rights :)

ElectricRay gravatar image ElectricRay  ( 2023-08-08 03:12:07 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2023-08-04 13:02:51 -0500

Seen: 77 times

Last updated: Aug 06 '23