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I would say that you found something of a bug. I generated your message file, and noticed that the return string generated in my Pose2DArray.h file had different line-wrapping than yours. Logically, I assumed that this was because of the different line-ending standards (\r\n vs \n). So then I went back to the Pose2DArray.msg file, and set emacs to save the file as a DOS file (with \r\n) line endings. Regenerating the header file produced a return string with line-wrapping similar to yours. Indeed, then #including this header file in a cpp file produced the same error you are getting.

So, I'm guessing converting the line endings of your msg file to only have \n will fix your problem. I'm not 100% sure, but it is certainly worth a try. If it does fix your problem, then a bug report should probably be filed

I would say that you found something of a bug. I generated your message file, and noticed that the return string generated in my Pose2DArray.h file had different line-wrapping than yours. Logically, I assumed that this was because of the different line-ending standards (\r\n vs \n). So then I went back to the Pose2DArray.msg file, and set emacs to save the file as a DOS file (with \r\n) line endings. Regenerating the header file produced a return string with line-wrapping similar to yours. Indeed, then #including this header file in a cpp file produced the same error you are getting.

So, I'm guessing converting the line endings of your msg file to only have \n will fix your problem. I'm not 100% sure, but it is certainly worth a try. If it does fix your problem, then a bug report should probably be filed


For reference, I was using rosbuild and Fuerte for this test.

I would say that you found something of a bug. I generated your message file, and noticed that the return string generated in my Pose2DArray.h file had different line-wrapping than yours. Logically, I assumed that this was because of the different line-ending standards (\r\n vs \n). So then I went back to the Pose2DArray.msg file, and set emacs to save the file as a DOS file (with \r\n) line endings. Regenerating the header file produced a return string with line-wrapping similar to yours. Indeed, then #including this header file in a cpp file produced the same error you are getting.

So, I'm guessing converting the line endings of your msg file to only have \n will fix your problem. I'm not 100% sure, but it is certainly worth a try. If it does fix your problem, then a bug report should probably be filed


For reference, I was using rosbuild and Fuerte for this test.


I just tried this same test on Groovy using catkin, and was still met with this bug. Should probably file a bug report.

I would say that you found something of a bug. I generated your message file, and noticed that the return string generated in my Pose2DArray.h file had different line-wrapping than yours. Logically, I assumed that this was because of the different line-ending standards (\r\n vs \n). So then I went back to the Pose2DArray.msg file, and set emacs to save the file as a DOS file (with \r\n) line endings. Regenerating the header file produced a return string with line-wrapping similar to yours. Indeed, then #including this header file in a cpp file produced the same error you are getting.

So, I'm guessing converting the line endings of your msg file to only have \n will fix your problem. I'm not 100% sure, but it is certainly worth a try. If it does fix your problem, then a bug report should probably be filed


For reference, I was using rosbuild and Fuerte for this test.


I just tried this same test on Groovy using catkin, and was still met with this bug. Should probably file a bug report.


I found this bug report in the gencpp package that mentions incorrectly formatted header strings when ending comment lines with symbols such as ")". I added info about this line-ending problem to that report.