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I just use @zero so that it will default to the correct number. It works for me with openni_launch, you might be experiencing an openni2 problem. Try this:

roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch device_id:=3@0

Your lsusb looks pretty normal, I think the computer is detecting a camera fine.

I just use @zero so that it will default to the correct number. It works for me with openni_launch, you might be experiencing an openni2 problem. Try this:

roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch device_id:=3@0

Your lsusb lsusb looks pretty normal, I think the computer is detecting a camera fine.

I just use @zero so that it will default to the correct number. It works for me with openni_launch, you might be experiencing an openni2 problem. Try this:

roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch device_id:=3@0

Your lsusb looks pretty normal, I think the computer is detecting a camera fine.

Edit: Could you post a picture of your rqt_graph picture and roswtf results to see if there are any messages that aren't communicating properly?

I just use @zero so that it will default to the correct number. It works for me with openni_launch, you might be experiencing an openni2 problem. Try this:

roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch device_id:=3@0

Your lsusb looks pretty normal, I think the computer is detecting a camera fine.fine. Make sure you run lsusb after you've connected but before you try roslaunch openni_launch to ensure you're on the proper bus.

Edit: Could you post a picture of your rqt_graph picture and roswtf results to see if there are any messages that aren't communicating properly?properly? Also I'd check to see if there is anything else currently on the bus you're trying to use.