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OK I just ran into this issue. Here's what I know:

I see rates through rostopic hz that are absolutely terrible (1.5Hz through 6 to maybe 10 Hz). Even --continuous-output doesn't help. I expect something around 40Hz normal and 90Hz using --continuous-output. Tried multiple dongles, built-in bluetooth, nothing worked.

I tried it on another computer and it worked perfectly there. Eventually I found out that it's due to the kernel version. The latest kernel that works for me is way back to linux-generic-quantal (3.5). 3.8 and 3.11 are both terribly broken.

You can try testing this by installing the linux-generic-quantal package, then holding shift as your computer boots and selection "previous kernels" -> 3.5 from the grub menu. Let me know if this resolves it for you as well. If you don't need a newer kernel, I would uninstall any later kernels and stick with quantal's kernel.

As for fixing this, I have no idea in the slightest. I would personally ask @ahendrix as he was my go to Kernel guy at Willow Garage.

Update (4/21): I found a PPA that contains a different PS3 driver:

I currently recommend installing this, then: sudo sixad --start rosrun joy joy_node

You should see usable output now.

OK I just ran into this issue. Here's what I know:

I see rates through rostopic hz that are absolutely terrible (1.5Hz through 6 to maybe 10 Hz). Even --continuous-output doesn't help. I expect something around 40Hz normal and 90Hz using --continuous-output. Tried multiple dongles, built-in bluetooth, nothing worked.

I tried it on another computer and it worked perfectly there. Eventually I found out that it's due to the kernel version. The latest kernel that works for me is way back to linux-generic-quantal (3.5). 3.8 and 3.11 are both terribly broken.

You can try testing this by installing the linux-generic-quantal package, then holding shift as your computer boots and selection "previous kernels" -> 3.5 from the grub menu. Let me know if this resolves it for you as well. If you don't need a newer kernel, I would uninstall any later kernels and stick with quantal's kernel.

As for fixing this, I have no idea in the slightest. I would personally ask @ahendrix as he was my go to Kernel guy at Willow Garage.