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You are using ROSBUILD, which - unlike catkin - creates a build directory in each project directory. As you installed the hark_<foo> package to /opt/ros where you do not have write permissons without sudo, rosbuild cannot create a build directory there.

You have two options: 1) Give your user write permissions recursively for the /opt/ros folder, run rosmkae onces and remove the write permissions of your user again. As you do not change anything in the package it should not cause throubles in following rosmakes if already built once. (Remark, sudo rosmake won't work as sudo comands are called from another user, who does not have a ros installation)

2) (I'd recommend that) remove hark_ros_stacks from /opt/ros (with sudo) and install them to your ros_workspace in your home directory. Then everything should work. (You could make a nice subfolder e.g. external with packages of others from stacks, if you whish to separate them...)