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UPDATE: still having problems.
I now have my pseudoterminals nulled together. I have tested this with Brown university's irobot_create_2_1 I am selecting the correct port, etc. When I run the on the other end of my pseudoterminals, I get two hex values from 80 07 which is a request for the cliff and bump sensors. Regardless of what I return I get nothing back.
When I snoop in on communications to a REAL irobotCreate (just changing the serial port in I sniff 0xfd from the on startup. I then get a reply from the iRobotCreate containing something similar to the following: 5e 72 0a be b0
Why would the send different bytes to the real serial port than my pseudoterminals? How does that even make sense?
Anyway,I think that since I have socat relaying at least something now, that the above can be "solved" though I might start a new question thread with the new issue I am having.