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The only quadrotors I'm aware of with ROS support are the Ascending Technologies Pelican (and Hummingbird, in theory anyway) and the Parrot AR.Drone. For the AscTec, there are drivers available in ccny-ros-pkg and a higher level systems and control framework in starmac-ros-pkg (which, for the AscTec, uses the asctec_drivers stack in ccny-ros-pkg for communicating with the hardware).

I believe that there is some AR.Drone support in the ardrone_driver package though I have no personal experience with it. The design of starmac-ros-pkg is such that it should be adaptable to different quadrotors--right now that support is limited to AscTec (and a generic quadrotor in simulation) but we expect that to widen to others, possibly including the AR.Drone and/or PixHawk -- see this

I have also seen 'ROS' and 'PixHawk' together in the same sentence in a few places though I'm not sure how deep the integration goes. There is this webpage, though I'm not sure if that represents the latest word on the matter. Hopefully someone on that project could provide more insight.

Hope this helps. Please have a look at starmac-ros-pkg (full disclosure: I'm a member of the project!) to see if it might meet your needs; as I mentioned it's meant to be a general framework for quadrotors though necessarily its development has been geared towards current needs within our lab.