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Hmm, that rings a bell...

Unfortunately, if I did end up using dynamic_reconfigure server in a Python node, I can't find that node at the moment.

There is a small example of using a dynamic_reconfigure client on the wiki:

Hmm, that rings a bell...

Unfortunately, if I did end up using dynamic_reconfigure server in a Python node, I can't find that node at the moment.

There is a small example of using a dynamic_reconfigure client on the wiki:

Hmm, that rings a bell...

Unfortunately, if I did end up using dynamic_reconfigure server in a Python node, I can't find that node at the moment.

There is a small example of using a dynamic_reconfigure client on the wiki:

Edit: Found my code -- relevant bits excerpted:

from dynamic_reconfigure.server import Server as DynamicReconfigureServer
import flyer_controller.cfg.controllerConfig as Config
class Controller:

  def __init__(self):
     self.dyn_reconf_server = DynamicReconfigureServer(ConfigType, self.reconfigure) 

  def reconfigure(self, config, level):
     rospy.loginfo("Got reconfigure request!")
     self.command_frame = config["command_frame"]
     return config