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1 | initial version |
I think it is impossible now. But you can modify tod_training (turn off finding fiducial markers and detection of transformation between current image and the some abstract coordinate system) :-) In tod_training we require fiducial marker(or markers) for detection transformation between different frames in bag file. For each frame we calculate transformation between the camera coordinate system and the some abstract coordinate system (where coordinates of chessboard corners are the same as in fidycial.yaml). Calculated pose is saved to Features3d->Camera->Pose. Using this information we can merge point clouds from different images to the one for example.
You can use other fiducial markers (one or some chessboards or grids of circles). Parameters of your fiducial marker/markers should be in fiducial.yaml file. tod_training package contains tool for generating this file.
2 | No.2 Revision |
I think it is impossible now. But you can modify tod_training (turn off finding fiducial markers and detection of transformation between current image and the some abstract coordinate system) :-)
In tod_training we require fiducial marker(or markers) for detection transformation between different frames in bag file. For each frame we calculate transformation between the camera coordinate system and the some abstract coordinate system (where coordinates of chessboard corners are the same as in fidycial.yaml). fiducial.yaml). Calculated pose is saved to Features3d->Camera->Pose. Using this information we can merge point clouds from different images to the one for example.
You can use other fiducial markers (one or some chessboards or grids of circles). Parameters of your fiducial marker/markers should be in fiducial.yaml file. tod_training package contains tool for generating this file.