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My current workaround is to duplicate CMakeLists.txt, leaving all but the test executable and then taking either one for linking test and other build executables. It's nasty though and it might sometimes happen that your original CMakeLists.txt gets lost when stopping the script in the middle of the build process.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

cp CMakeLists.txt CMakeLists.txt.backup
cp CMakeListsTest.txt CMakeLists.txt

if [ "$1" = "tests" ]; then
    make tests
elif [ "$1" = "test" ]; then
    make test
    cat <<HELP
Usage: test.bash TARGET
Available targets:
    tests -- compile and link tests
    test  -- run tests

mv CMakeLists.txt.backup CMakeLists.txt

Hope this answer gets voted down soon and replaced by a better solution!