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i did try this:

atention for type Empty into msg and srv

for import msg type

from std_msgs.msg import String, Float32, Empty

for import service type without problem Empty

import std_srvs.srv

publish message


call service

rospy.ServiceProxy('ardrone/flattrim', std_srvs.srv.Empty())

good luck!

i did try this:

this: atention for type Empty into msg and srv

for import msg type

for import msg

from std_msgs.msg import String, Float32, Empty Empty

for import service - without problem Empty

import service type without problem Empty


import std_srvs.srv publish message

publish message


take.publish(Empty()) call service

call service

rospy.ServiceProxy('ardrone/flattrim', std_srvs.srv.Empty())

rospy.ServiceProxy('ardrone/flattrim', std_srvs.srv.Empty())

good luck!