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To me, your problem comes either from wrong parameters for the base controller, and/or a wrong odometry. Could you post your config files for navigation?

You should also have a look at this post, which contains a detailed guide to navigation issues.



To me, your problem comes either from wrong parameters for the base controller, and/or a wrong odometry. Could you post your config files for navigation?navigation? Check also the twist part of the odometry message, it must be expressed in the local frame of the robot.

Another problem could be that move_base does not output the velocity command on the right topic. Did you try controlling your roboy with a joystick or pr2_teleop pr2_teleop_keyboard? That easy you could make sure that your bass driver is correct and accepts velocity commands.

You should also have a look at this post, which contains a detailed guide to navigation issues.

I hope this helps



To me, your problem comes either from wrong parameters for the base controller, and/or a wrong odometry. Could you post your config files for navigation? Check also the twist part of the odometry message, it must be expressed in the local frame of the robot.

Another problem could be that move_base does not output the velocity command on the right topic. topic.

It could also be that your base driver is not working. Did you try controlling your roboy with a joystick or pr2_teleop pr2_teleop_keyboard? That easy way you could make sure that your bass base driver is correct and accepts velocity commands.

You should also have a look at this post, which contains a detailed guide to navigation issues.

I hope this helps
