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initial version

move_base node DOES NOT subscibe to the /map but to /tf published by gmapping

This is normal, I guess, since the costmap is created using the laser detections (or whatever source of mesures about obstacles you are using) and it is updated according to what these sensors are seeing in real time. (cause if not you won't be avoiding moving obstacles like people and chairs moved so often for example) /map is only used for localisation (whether by launching GMapping which does it while building the map OR by loading some previously built map and using amcl), and sending goals intuitively in rviz using the right tool..

move_base node DOES NOT subscibe to the /map but to /tf published by gmapping

This is normal, I guess, since the costmap is created using the laser detections (or whatever source of mesures about obstacles you are using) and it is updated according to what these sensors are seeing in real time. (cause if not you won't be avoiding moving obstacles like people and chairs moved so often for example) example)

/map is only used for localisation (whether by launching GMapping which does it while building the map OR by loading some previously built map and using amcl), and sending goals intuitively in rviz using the right tool..