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There is a project called MORSE that actually supports direct communication over ROS to Blender. For the armature structure you'll like to search for "RagDoll". There are two ways to do it. One way is by using the "IPO/F curves", where basically you create a cyclic bone movement which, in Game Time, is started/stoped by some Game Logic (sensor + and + F-Curve actuator). Another way is creating an armature associated (parent) to your rigid body structures and adding bone constraints (copy rotation + copy location). Then you need to add an aways sensor + and + run armature and you will have a "on line" solution. Then you can directly close the loop control without using Gazebo, because you can directly apply torque/force/angle/acc/vel to the joints/rigid-bodies using python.

The main problem that I couldn't solve is about collisions. My rigid bodies didn't collide when connected through an armature/constraints, even if the collision option is set. I'll be glad to pass you some experimental blend files.