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To run a rosjava node do:

# rosrun rosjava_bootstrap <PACKAGE> <Node>

for example for the tutorial:

# rosrun rosjava_bootstrap rosjava_tutorial_pubsub org.ros.tutorials.pubsub.Talker

to run the talker and in another terminal:

# rosrun rosjava_bootstrap rosjava_tutorial_pubsub org.ros.tutorials.pubsub.Listener

For me it only works once I've previously launched the ros Master, seems that it fails when launching it from the java Classes of the nodes

To run a rosjava node do:

# rosrun rosjava_bootstrap <PACKAGE> <Node>

for example for the tutorial:

# rosrun rosjava_bootstrap rosjava_tutorial_pubsub org.ros.tutorials.pubsub.Talker

to run the talker talker,

and in another terminal:

# rosrun rosjava_bootstrap rosjava_tutorial_pubsub org.ros.tutorials.pubsub.Listener

For me it only works once I've previously launched the ros Master, seems that it fails when launching it from the java Classes of the nodes