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The purpose of this field is so that we can re-create a full snapshot of the TF tree given a PlanningScene. In the robot_state we store the transform between the world frame and the robot frame as well as all the joint states, but this doesn't include frames that are not associated with the robot, such as a /map frame if we operating in /odom_combined, extra world sensors frames, and the like. As I answered in the other question, you just want to set different values in the robot_state member of the planning_scene_diff to pose the robot in a different location.


The purpose of this field is so that we can re-create a full snapshot of the TF tree given a PlanningScene. In the robot_state we store the transform between the world frame and the robot frame as well as all the joint states, but this doesn't include frames that are not associated with the robot, such as a /map frame if we operating in /odom_combined, extra world sensors frames, and the like. As I answered in the other question, this question, you just want to set different values in the robot_state member of the planning_scene_diff to pose the robot in a different location.