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This may be related to the problem described in Does anyone have a ur5 working with moveit and hydro?, and in particular to this comment:
It would seem the UR5 MoveIt cfg uses a set of links, instead of a single chain, which is different from other ROS-I cfgs. I'm not sure why it is setup like that, there might be a valid reason.
As far as I know (and as @sedwards explained on the mailinglist), the hydro-devel-c-api
branch hasn't been updated with the regenerated MoveIt configurations, which could explain why you are still seeing that crash.
A related bug report on the universal_robot
github repository: 41: rviz crashes when trying to launch ur5_moveit_config in hydro.
Possibly related other ROS Answers question (and answer): Problem with ikfast_moveit tutorial.