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Hi JJ, not sure if I understand your question, it sounds like you managed to launch Gazebo and Rviz simultaneously but you couldn't get Rviz to display what you wanted. Did you add any display items in Rviz and link them to the appropriate topics/transforms which contain what you want to display?

I strongly suggest you go through the first rviz tutorial here, or at least section 5 "viewing the markers" :

As for the 2d overlooking map, once you have set up your display items, you can always change the view type in the rviz Views pane to "TopDownOrtho".

Hi JJ, not sure if I understand your question, it sounds like you managed to launch Gazebo and Rviz simultaneously but you couldn't get Rviz to display what you wanted. Did If you simply launched rviz with the default configuration and nothing is shown except for the grid, you need to add any display items in Rviz and link them to the appropriate topics/transforms which contain what you want to display?display.

I strongly suggest you go through the first rviz tutorial here, or at the very least through section 5 "viewing the markers" :

As for the 2d overlooking map, once you have set up your display items, you can always change the view type in the rviz Views pane to "TopDownOrtho".