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1 | initial version |
In Fuerte, the diagnostics_updater is a rosbuild stack, so the python API is installed within the stack directory. You should be able to install it as part of the ros-fuerte-diagnostics
package, and it should be installed into the package directory in /opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/diagnotics/diagnostic_updater/src/diagnostic_updater
If you want to use it from a python program in Fuerte, you'll have to make sure that your package manifest depends on diagnostic_updater, and make sure that you import roslib and call load_manifest.
For newer versions of ROS, the diagnostics packages are catkin packages and will be installed into /opt/ros/[distro]/lib .
2 | No.2 Revision |
In Fuerte, the diagnostics_updater is a rosbuild stack, so the python API is installed within the stack directory. You should be able to install it as part of the ros-fuerte-diagnostics
package, and it should be installed into the package directory in /opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/diagnotics/diagnostic_updater/src/diagnostic_updater/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/diagnostics/diagnostic_updater/src/diagnostic_updater
If you want to use it from a python program in Fuerte, you'll have to make sure that your package manifest depends on diagnostic_updater, and make sure that you import roslib and call load_manifest.
For newer versions of ROS, the diagnostics packages are catkin packages and will be installed into /opt/ros/[distro]/lib .
3 | No.3 Revision |
I just looked into this a little deeper and actually tried it out on one of my older machines. The last version of the diagnostics stack that was released into Fuerte was 1.6.4, which doesn't include the python API.
If you want to use the python API, you should either upgrade to Groovy or Hydro, which include it, or check out the 1.7.0 branch and use it from source with Fuerte.
In Fuerte, the diagnostics_updater is a rosbuild stack, so the python API is installed within the stack directory. You should be able to install it as part of the ros-fuerte-diagnostics
package, and it should be installed into the package directory in /opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/diagnostics/diagnostic_updater/src/diagnostic_updater
If you want to use it from a python program in Fuerte, you'll have to make sure that your package manifest depends on diagnostic_updater, and make sure that you import roslib and call load_manifest.
For newer versions of ROS, the diagnostics packages are catkin packages and will be installed into /opt/ros/[distro]/lib .