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I've not seen this particular error come up when generating plugins for my own urdfs, but thought I'd might describe how I got openrave (0.8 in my case) to cooperate.

I first embedded the model in a manipulator element in a robot. I used this post to the OpenRave mailing list for inspiration, in combination with the OpenRave XML specification.

As we now have a proper robot (instead of just a dae), we can now use the following command line (change to your specific version of --database inversekinematics --robot=/path/to/collada_file_with_manipulator.xml --iktype=YOUR-IK-TYPE --iktests=100

I'm in no way an expert on IKFast or OpenRave, but in almost all cases where the direct invocation of failed, this worked for me.

PS: you might have more success asking this on the OpenRave mailing list.