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So this is how I resolved the compile errors (haven't run the code), I downloaded 1.1.7 version of serial library from Removed ros-hydro-serial by sudo apt-get -purge remove ros-hydro-serial . I installed the serial 1.1.7 according to the instructions and noted that SerialConfig.cmake was installed in /tmp/usr/local/share/serial/cmake which I added to ROS_PACKAGE_PATH. Then in beginner_tutorials package I added set(SERIAL_DIR /tmp/usr/local/share/serial/cmake) above find_package(catkin REQUIRED ..... serial) along with the changes suggested by William who is the author of the serial library. It seems like when I use sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-serial the header files get installed in /opt/ros/hydro/include/serial but I couldn't find any library files in /opt/ros/hydro/lib/. so compiler used to give error saying xxx not found in class serial. Also like ahendrix said I made sure that I have the right version of the

Thanks for the help, TM