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Did you publish an inverted tf for you laserscanner like suggested here: (note for ~inverted_laser)?

The patch you applied removed code that was explicitly added to handle upright laserscanners, that report the scans in an inverted order. Ticket:

My guess would be a problem with your transform that does not reflect the correct (upside-down) position of your laserscanner. The sign of the angle_increment should only be used to check the scan-order (clockwise or ccw), but not to determine if the laser is inverted.

Did you publish an inverted tf for you laserscanner like suggested here: (note for ~inverted_laser)?

The patch you applied removed code that was explicitly added to handle upright laserscanners, that report the scans in an inverted order. Ticket:

My guess would be a problem with your transform that does not reflect the correct (upside-down) position of your laserscanner. The sign of the angle_increment should only be used to check the scan-order (clockwise or ccw), but not to determine if the laser is inverted.

I think i have found the problem why our solution didnt work for you. In line 541 of slam_gmapping.cpp the plain scan.angle_min is used. To get valid results with an upside-down scanner you should use the transformed angle_min from line 338. I am however not sure if this will break mapping for scanners which are not centered (angle_min == -angle_max) but are rotated along the z-axis (for example are looking to the left side of the robot).

Did you publish an inverted tf for you laserscanner like suggested here: (note for ~inverted_laser)?

The patch you applied removed code that was explicitly added to handle upright laserscanners, that report the scans in an inverted order. Ticket:

My guess would be a problem with your transform that does not reflect the correct (upside-down) position of your laserscanner. The sign of the angle_increment should only be used to check the scan-order (clockwise or ccw), but not to determine if the laser is inverted.

Update (18.11.2011): I think i have found the problem why our solution didnt work for you. In line 541 of slam_gmapping.cpp the plain scan.angle_min is used. To get valid results with an upside-down scanner you should use the transformed angle_min from line 338. I am however not sure if this will break mapping for scanners which are not centered (angle_min == -angle_max) but are rotated along the z-axis (for example are looking to the left side of the robot).

Update (25.11.2011): I have uploaded a bag file and our gmapping launchfile here. These are the results: pre-patch and post-patch-5250

When you post your bag, I will try to implement my suggested solution from the last edit. Maybe we can get it to work under all circumstances.