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I do not know of a way to distinguish by which node sent a message in the callback on the subscriber side.

I suggest you make your two publishing nodes publish to two different topics and your subscriber then subscribe to both indivially. Remapping topics is your friend here.

I do not know of a way to distinguish by which node sent a message in the callback on the subscriber side.

I suggest you make your two publishing nodes publish to two different topics and your subscriber then subscribe to both indivially. Remapping topics is your friend here.


In response to your syntax problem: Have you read the actual error message? It probably indicates that you forgot to close the <remap> tag. You can put it into a group, but I believe it is clearer to put it directly inside the node tag. Also inside a rules file I would not use the remapping syntax with command line arguments like you do for scan. This is just confusing. Try this:

  <node pkg="leg_detector" type="leg_detector" name="leg_detector_front" args="$(find leg_detector)/config/trained_leg_detector.yaml" output="screen">
    <remap from="scan" to="scan_front" />
    <remap from="leg_tracker_measurements" to="leg_tracker_measurements_front" />

  <node pkg="leg_detector" type="leg_detector" name="leg_detector_rear" args="$(find leg_detector)/config/trained_leg_detector.yaml" output="screen">
    <remap from="scan" to="scan_rear" />
    <remap from="leg_tracker_measurements" to="leg_tracker_measurements_rear" />

Or alternatively and maybe even better in this case with namespaces, like suggested in another answer below:

  <node pkg="leg_detector" type="leg_detector" name="leg_detector_front" args="$(find leg_detector)/config/trained_leg_detector.yaml" output="screen" ns="front" />
  <node pkg="leg_detector" type="leg_detector" name="leg_detector_rear" args="$(find leg_detector)/config/trained_leg_detector.yaml" output="screen" ns="rear" />