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Sorry if I'm misunderstanding your question, but why you cannot use the rest of the arbotix stack? Afaik, it contains all you need to operate dynamixel motors (at least the AX-12 i have) and is updated to indigo. You just need to flash the arbotix_firmware and run the arbotix_driver to get full access to your servos with the ControllerGUI or MoveIt.

That said, I must mention that I us the arbotix stack with a different board (Robotis OpenCM9.04), but using an arbotix-m should be much easier.

Sorry if I'm misunderstanding your question, but why you cannot use the rest of the arbotix stack? Afaik, it contains all you need to operate dynamixel motors (at least the AX-12 i have) and is updated to indigo. You just need to flash the arbotix_firmware and run the arbotix_driver to get full access to your servos with the ControllerGUI or MoveIt.

That said, I must mention that I us the arbotix stack with a different board (Robotis OpenCM9.04), but using an arbotix-m should be much easier.


arbotix_driver listen for joint positions on <servo>/command topics (std_msgs/Float64), and provides current joint positions on /joint_state topic, as explained here. But much easier is to run the arbotix_gui so you can move the servos with sliders.

If properly configured, arbotix_driver also provides you with controller interfaces, that high level tools like Moveit can use.

Sorry if I'm misunderstanding your question, but why you cannot use the rest of the arbotix stack? Afaik, it contains all you need to operate dynamixel motors (at least the AX-12 i have) and is updated to indigo. You just need to flash the arbotix_firmware and run the arbotix_driver to get full access to your servos with the ControllerGUI or MoveIt.

That said, I must mention that I us the arbotix stack with a different board (Robotis OpenCM9.04), but using an arbotix-m should be much easier.


arbotix_driver listen for joint positions on <servo>/command topics (std_msgs/Float64), and provides current joint positions on /joint_state topic, as explained here. But much easier is to run the arbotix_gui so you can move the servos with sliders.

If properly configured, arbotix_driver also provides you with controller interfaces, that high level tools like Moveit can use.

use. For example, for a turtlebot arm, the joints (that is, servos) are:

joints: {
  arm_shoulder_pan_joint: {id: 1, neutral: 205, max_angle: 240, min_angle: -60, max_speed: 180},
  arm_shoulder_lift_joint: {id: 2, max_angle: 125, min_angle: -125, max_speed: 180},
  arm_elbow_flex_joint: {id: 3, max_angle: 150, min_angle: -150, max_speed: 180},
  arm_wrist_flex_joint: {id: 4, max_angle: 100, min_angle: -100, max_speed: 180},
  gripper_joint: {id: 5, max_speed: 90},

and the controllers

controllers: {
  arm_controller: {
    type: follow_controller,
    joints: [arm_shoulder_pan_joint, arm_shoulder_lift_joint, arm_elbow_flex_joint, arm_wrist_flex_joint],
    action_name: arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory,
    onboard: false