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I'm not sure it is easily possible to paint things into gazebo. For 3D visualization purposes, there is rviz and Markers that can easily be used for this task. Having visualization outside of your simulation environment has the benefit that you can use it for simulation and for experiments with real robot systems. For this reason it is the recommended way of doing what you describe.
If you want to record tf based trajectories, you can use the hector_trajectory_server node. This node periodically publishes the trajectory as a nav_msgs/Path, which can be visualized in rviz.
2 | No.2 Revision |
I'm not sure it is easily possible to paint things into gazebo. For 3D visualization purposes, there is rviz and Markers that can easily be used for this task. Having visualization outside of your simulation environment has the benefit that you can use it for simulation and for experiments with real robot systems. For this reason it using the ROS visualization tools is the recommended way of doing what you describe.
If you want to record tf based trajectories, you can use the hector_trajectory_server node. This node periodically publishes the trajectory as a nav_msgs/Path, which can be visualized in rviz.