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I believ this error is caused by the pathing described here


Try using the absolute path to where this is located (you can find this out by typing pwd in the directory where the map is). Additionally, when you created a map using the map_server, it should have saved to two files: one with the extension .pgm and one with the extension .yaml. Make sure to run roslaunch turtlebot_gazebo amcl_demo.launch map_file:=<full path to your map file>.yaml, and make certain that the image attribute in the.yaml file correctly points to the path of the .pgm.

I believ this error is caused by the pathing described here


Try using the absolute path to where this is located (you can find this out by typing pwd in the directory where the map is). Additionally, when you created a map using the map_server, it should have saved to two files: one with the extension .pgm and one with the extension .yaml. Make sure to run roslaunch turtlebot_gazebo amcl_demo.launch map_file:=<full path to your map file>.yaml, and make certain that the image attribute in the.yaml file correctly points to the path of the .pgm.

To clarify, if your files are located at /home/hattan/hattan_map5.yaml and /home/hattan/hattan_map5.pgm, then inside the .yaml file should be the line image: hattan_map5.pgm, and you would run roslaunch turtlebot_gazebo amcl_demo.launch map_file:=/home/hattan/hattan_map5.yaml