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The class names are all full qualified here, but you could of course import them so that it wouldn't be necessary (making the code more compact).

ServiceServer<org.ros.message.std_msgs.Empty, org.ros.message.std_msgs.Empty> server = node.newServiceServer(
    "callme", "std_srvs/Empty",
    new ServiceResponseBuilder<org.ros.service.std_srvs.Empty.Request, org.ros.service.std_srvs.Empty.Response>() {
      public org.ros.service.std_srvs.Empty.Response build(org.ros.service.std_srvs.Empty.Request request) throws ServiceException {
        org.ros.service.std_srvs.Empty.Response response = new org.ros.service.std_srvs.Empty.Response();
        // ...
        return response;