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The black bar on the left of the disparity map is expected, and related to the ndisparities
(called disparity_range
by stereo_image_proc) parameter, which determines the size of the search range. Go through the Choosing Good Stereo Parameters tutorial if you haven't already; it discusses in detail the block matching algorithm and how to tweak it.
Do you get a good disparity map from stereo_image_proc? Did you have to change any of the parameters? I recommend exposing every parameter you can through dynamic_reconfigure; being able to change them interactively is a big help. Maybe you just need to enable Sobel pre-filtering and/or low texture filtering.
You're not doing anything obviously wrong, so please do post the code.
We experimented a while back with changing stereo_image_proc to use the GPU, see stereo_image_proc_gpu. However that code is pretty old - dating to C Turtle, and I think pre-dating the current OpenCV GPU module - so it may or may not be useful.