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Ok I have roscore in /opt/ros/hydro/bin, and if I source /opt/ros/hydro/setup.zsh then it works, or if I manually add /opt/ros/hydro/bin to my $PATH, then it crashes because $PYTHONPATH is not setup correctly.

However, the problem is that sourcing either catkin_ws/devel/setup.zsh or rosbuild/setup.zsh breaks my general ROS enviromental variables, it overwrites them. For example I lose from $PYTHONPATH dist-packages, /opt/ros/hydro/bin from the $PATH, and so on.

Does anyone have similar issue ?

Ok I have roscore in /opt/ros/hydro/bin, and if I source /opt/ros/hydro/setup.zsh then it works, or if I manually add /opt/ros/hydro/bin to my $PATH, then it crashes because $PYTHONPATH is not setup correctly.

However, the problem is that sourcing either catkin_ws/devel/setup.zsh or rosbuild/setup.zsh breaks my general ROS enviromental variables, it overwrites them. For example I lose from $PYTHONPATH dist-packages, /opt/ros/hydro/bin from the $PATH, and so on.

Does anyone have similar issue ?


I just don't want to edit all enviromental variables by hand after sourcing catkin_ws/rosbuild setup files, so there has to be one solution to it.