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Hello Sebastian,

thank you very much for your fast help :) it works! I must say that I was near to the solution, what I was missing was that I had to manually start robot_1 localization. Moreover, you said that the localization of robot_1 may fail depending on the map, and I experimented that it can also depend on when you start the localization.

Without meaning to take advantage of your kindness, may I ask you two more questions?

  1. When robot_1 starts its localization, I got the following error spamming on the console (i put output="screen" in the nodes I added in tutorial4 launch file): "[ERROR] [1410440608.176896222, 224.700000000]: Could not get robot position: Could not find a connection between 'robot_1/map' and 'robot_1/base_link' because they are not part of the same tree.Tf has two or more unconnected trees.". Is there something I can do to solve this problem, or can I ignore it?
  2. In RVIZ, R0:RobotModel (and R1:RobotModel) has the error "No transform from [robot_0/p3at_back_left_wheel] to [map]" on robot_X/p3at_back_left_wheel (the same for the back/front left/right wheels). I got this error in tutorial4 aswell, so I imagine it can be related to p2os and the fact that I'm on Hydro. Unluckily I have absolutely no knowledge on how robot models are built, my bad. Do you have any suggestion on how to fix this problem?

Again, thank you very much,
