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Yes, anything you want to run remotely must be installed on the remote machine. ROS does nothing special, it just starts the specified binaries over an SSH connection when you ask it to start something remotely.

As for tutorials, I'm not a pi user myself, but there are some: Setting up Hydro on RaspberryPi for instance.

Yes, anything you want to run remotely must be installed on the remote machine. ROS does nothing special, it just starts the specified binaries over an SSH connection when you ask it to start something remotely.

As for tutorials, I'm not a pi user myself, but there are some: Setting up Hydro on RaspberryPi for instance.instance. I'm not too sure about how good they are though, as I've seen quite some questions about it on this site lately.

Yes, anything you want to run remotely must be installed on the remote machine. ROS does nothing special, it just starts the specified binaries over an SSH connection when you ask it to start something remotely.

As for tutorials, I'm not a pi user myself, but there are some: Setting up Hydro on RaspberryPi for instance. I'm not too sure about how good they are though, as I've seen quite some questions about it on this site lately.lately (see raspberry pi with ROS Indigo ( or any new Release of ROS) fi).