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initial version

I assume you followed the instructions for setting up your ROS environment tutorial. You need to download the teleop_twist_keyboard from the github to your ~/catkin_ws/src folder. Steps:

1) cd ~/catkin_ws/src

2) git clone

3) cd ~/catkin_ws

4) catkin_make

5) source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

6) source ~/.bashrc

I also assume you have your ros environment in your bashrc file. It should contain the following lines : source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash and you should add the following lines to your bashrc script by running :

sudo gedit ~/.bashrc and add :

 source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

New terminals will pick up when you open it. Also, you will need to remap linear and angular velocity for your robot to the /cmd_vel topic to use the keyboard for teleoperation. I would suggest looking into turtlebot_teleop package for details.

I assume you followed the instructions for setting up your ROS environment tutorial. You need to download the teleop_twist_keyboard from the github to your ~/catkin_ws/src folder. Steps:

1) cd ~/catkin_ws/src

2) git clone

3) cd ~/catkin_ws

4) catkin_make

5) source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

6) source ~/.bashrc

I also assume you have your ros environment in your bashrc file. It should contain the following lines : source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash and you should add the following lines to your bashrc script by running :

sudo gedit ~/.bashrc and add :

 source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

New terminals will pick up when you open it. Also, you will need to remap linear and angular velocity for your robot to the /cmd_vel topic to use the keyboard for teleoperation. I would suggest looking into turtlebot_teleop package for details.