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Based on the requirements you state (and the fact that you haven't mentioned it yet), I'd take a look at the universal_robot package. It can probably do what you want.

Based on the requirements you state (and the fact that you haven't mentioned it yet), I'd take a look at the universal_robot package. It can probably do what you want.

The wiki page is a bit barren, but the file in the repository should clear things up.

Note that the driver provides just a FollowJointTrajectoryAction server. You'll have to write a client yourself (ur_driver/ shows how a minimal example of how to do this).

Based on the requirements you state (and the fact that you haven't mentioned it yet), I'd take a look at the universal_robot package. It can probably do what you want.

The wiki page is a bit barren, but the file in the repository should clear things up.

Note that the driver provides just a FollowJointTrajectoryAction server. You'll have to write a client yourself (ur_driver/ shows how a minimal example of how to do this).