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initial version
gazebo_msgs::ApplyJointEffort r; 
r.request.duration = ros::Duration(2.);
r.request.joint_name = "right_wheel_hinge";

This may just be a copy/paste mistake, but are you setting the effort field of the ApplyJointEffort msg?

If you don't set it, it will initialise to 0, which could be an explanation of what you are seeing.

gazebo_msgs::ApplyJointEffort r; 
r.request.duration = ros::Duration(2.);
r.request.joint_name = "right_wheel_hinge";

This may just be a copy/paste mistake, but are you setting the effort field of the ApplyJointEffort msg?

If you don't set it, it will initialise to 0, which could be an explanation of for what you are seeing.