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So apparently the problem was that I did not have the correct/supported version of python-sympy installed. I followed these instructions to prevent the

sympy.core.sympify.SympifyError: SympifyError: None

error. However now I am getting the following error instead:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/astrid/git/openrave/python/", line 6382, in <module>
    chaintree = solver.generateIkSolver(options.baselink,options.eelink,options.freeindices,solvefn=solvefn)
  File "/home/astrid/git/openrave/python/", line 1640, in generateIkSolver
    chaintree = solvefn(self, LinksRaw, jointvars, isolvejointvars)
  File "/home/astrid/git/openrave/python/", line 1817, in solveFullIK_Translation3D
    return self._solveFullIK_Translation3D(LinksRaw,jointvars,isolvejointvars,basepos)
  File "/home/astrid/git/openrave/python/", line 1827, in _solveFullIK_Translation3D
    raise self.CannotSolveError('need 3 joints')
__main__.CannotSolveError: 'need 3 joints'

Anybody knows how to prevent this error?

So apparently the problem was that I did not have the correct/supported version of python-sympy installed. I followed these instructions to prevent the

sympy.core.sympify.SympifyError: SympifyError: None

error. However now I am getting the following error instead:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/astrid/git/openrave/python/", line 6382, in <module>
    chaintree = solver.generateIkSolver(options.baselink,options.eelink,options.freeindices,solvefn=solvefn)
  File "/home/astrid/git/openrave/python/", line 1640, in generateIkSolver
    chaintree = solvefn(self, LinksRaw, jointvars, isolvejointvars)
  File "/home/astrid/git/openrave/python/", line 1817, in solveFullIK_Translation3D
    return self._solveFullIK_Translation3D(LinksRaw,jointvars,isolvejointvars,basepos)
  File "/home/astrid/git/openrave/python/", line 1827, in _solveFullIK_Translation3D
    raise self.CannotSolveError('need 3 joints')
__main__.CannotSolveError: 'need 3 joints'

Anybody knows how Okay, and with the help of this post I was able to prevent get past this error?error as well.

So apparently the problem was that I did not have the correct/supported version of python-sympy installed. I followed these instructions to prevent the

sympy.core.sympify.SympifyError: SympifyError: None

error. However now I am getting the following error instead:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/astrid/git/openrave/python/", line 6382, in <module>
    chaintree = solver.generateIkSolver(options.baselink,options.eelink,options.freeindices,solvefn=solvefn)
  File "/home/astrid/git/openrave/python/", line 1640, in generateIkSolver
    chaintree = solvefn(self, LinksRaw, jointvars, isolvejointvars)
  File "/home/astrid/git/openrave/python/", line 1817, in solveFullIK_Translation3D
    return self._solveFullIK_Translation3D(LinksRaw,jointvars,isolvejointvars,basepos)
  File "/home/astrid/git/openrave/python/", line 1827, in _solveFullIK_Translation3D
    raise self.CannotSolveError('need 3 joints')
__main__.CannotSolveError: 'need 3 joints'

Okay, and with the help of this post I was able to get past this error as well.

However, how can I deal with the mimi joints for example RHipYawPitch joint in the leg_right chain?

Has anybody been able to successfully set up the fastik plugin in that case and can advice me what to do?

Any help appreciated.

So apparently the problem was that I did not have the correct/supported version of python-sympy installed. I followed these instructions to prevent the

sympy.core.sympify.SympifyError: SympifyError: None

error. However now I am getting the following error instead:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/astrid/git/openrave/python/", line 6382, in <module>
    chaintree = solver.generateIkSolver(options.baselink,options.eelink,options.freeindices,solvefn=solvefn)
  File "/home/astrid/git/openrave/python/", line 1640, in generateIkSolver
    chaintree = solvefn(self, LinksRaw, jointvars, isolvejointvars)
  File "/home/astrid/git/openrave/python/", line 1817, in solveFullIK_Translation3D
    return self._solveFullIK_Translation3D(LinksRaw,jointvars,isolvejointvars,basepos)
  File "/home/astrid/git/openrave/python/", line 1827, in _solveFullIK_Translation3D
    raise self.CannotSolveError('need 3 joints')
__main__.CannotSolveError: 'need 3 joints'

Okay, and with the help of this post I was able to get past this error as well.

However, how can I deal with the mimi mimic joints for example RHipYawPitch joint in the leg_right chain?

Has anybody been able to successfully set up the fastik plugin in that case and can advice me what to do?

Any help appreciated.

So apparently the problem was that I did not have the correct/supported version of python-sympy installed. I followed these instructions to prevent the error:

sympy.core.sympify.SympifyError: SympifyError: None

error. However now I am getting the following error instead:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/astrid/git/openrave/python/", line 6382, in <module>
    chaintree = solver.generateIkSolver(options.baselink,options.eelink,options.freeindices,solvefn=solvefn)
  File "/home/astrid/git/openrave/python/", line 1640, in generateIkSolver
    chaintree = solvefn(self, LinksRaw, jointvars, isolvejointvars)
  File "/home/astrid/git/openrave/python/", line 1817, in solveFullIK_Translation3D
    return self._solveFullIK_Translation3D(LinksRaw,jointvars,isolvejointvars,basepos)
  File "/home/astrid/git/openrave/python/", line 1827, in _solveFullIK_Translation3D
    raise self.CannotSolveError('need 3 joints')
__main__.CannotSolveError: 'need 3 joints'

Okay, and with the help of this post I was able to get past this error as well.

However, how can I deal well.

So with the mimic joints for example RHipYawPitch joint in the leg_right chain?

Has anybody been command:

python ~/git/openrave/python/ --robot=nao.rounded.dae --iktype=translationdirection5d --baselink=1 --eelink=36 --freeindex=32 --savefile=ikfast61_arm_hand_left.cpp

I am now able to successfully set up the fastik plugin in that case create the fastIK cpp file for the arm_hand_left chain. And

python ~/git/openrave/python/ --robot=nao.rounded.dae --iktype=transform6d --baselink=1 --eelink=31 --savefile=ikfast_leg_left.cpp

gives me the fastIK cpp file for the leg_left chain.

However, the same does not work for the leg_right chain. When using iktype translationdirection5d I get the error: ValueError: No nonzero pivot found; inversion failed. When using iktype transform6d the error is: CannotSolveError: 'need 6 joints'

So my remaining question is, how to generate the fastIK cpp file for NAO's leg_right chain which contains a mimic joint (which I am assuming is what is causing the problems here).

Any advice and can advice me what to do?

Any help would be appreciated.