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initial version

orocos-bfl is not a catkin package but a plain cmake package. The package 'bfl' not found comes from cmake / pkgconfig, not catkin.

You cannot build orocos-bfl with caktin_make. Either use catkin_make_isolated or catkin build in the same workspace as robot_pose_ekf, or first build orocos-bfl in an underlying workspace (with catkin_make_isolated or catkin_build) and then build robot_pose_ekf ontop of that in a separate workspace using catkin_make.

orocos-bfl is not a catkin package but a plain cmake package. The package 'bfl' not found comes from cmake / pkgconfig, not catkin.

You cannot build orocos-bfl with caktin_make. Either use catkin_make_isolated or catkin build in the same workspace as robot_pose_ekf, or first build orocos-bfl in an underlying workspace (with catkin_make_isolated or catkin_build) and then build robot_pose_ekf ontop of that in a separate workspace using catkin_make.


The following works for me:

rosinstall_generator robot_pose_ekf --tar --wet-only --rosdistro indigo --deps > robot_pose_ekf.rosinstall
wstool init -j8 src robot_pose_ekf.rosinstall 

as does with catkin build instead of src/catkin/bin/catkin_make_isolated.