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rosdep install --from-paths . --simulate -v

Is the --simulate just there for testing, or are you actually trying to install things using that line? From the rosdep install help:

 -s, --simulate        Simulate install

So it won't actually install anything, but only print out what it would do without --simulate.

Remove that option and try again.

rosdep install --from-paths . --simulate -v

Is the --simulate just there for testing, or are you actually trying to install things using that line? From the rosdep install help:

 -s, --simulate        Simulate install

So it won't actually install anything, but only print out what it would do without --simulate.

Remove that option and try again.


Sorry for the confusion, the error is the same without --simulate, I removed it from the question.

I cannot reproduce this on a Precise/Hydro installation with a skeleton pkg that contained just a manifest with a <run_depend>python-fysom</run_depend> in it. Running rosdep install .. on the workspace resulted in pip being invoked, and python-fysom being installed.

Can you try to reinitialise the rosdep cache using rosdep update and then try again?

In all cases: please update your question with information on your Linux and ROS distribution (name, version), as well as perhaps the pkg that you are running rosdep against.

rosdep install --from-paths . --simulate -v

Is the --simulate just there for testing, or are you actually trying to install things using that line? From the rosdep install help:

 -s, --simulate        Simulate install

So it won't actually install anything, but only print out what it would do without --simulate.

Remove that option and try again.


Sorry for the confusion, the error is the same without --simulate, I removed it from the question.

I cannot reproduce this on a Precise/Hydro installation with a skeleton pkg that contained just a manifest with a <run_depend>python-fysom</run_depend> in it. Running rosdep install .. on the workspace resulted in pip being invoked, and python-fysom being installed.

Can you try to reinitialise the rosdep cache using rosdep update and then try again?

In all cases: please update your question with information on your Linux and ROS distribution (name, version), as well as perhaps the pkg that you are running rosdep against.

against. The OS name identifiers and supported package managers section of the rosdep YAML format page seems to suggest pip is only available on Ubuntu (and probably derivatives).