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1 | initial version |
As pointed out in the comments, this error occurs because of incompatible versions. I solved this problem by following the instructions here:
This installs version 2.7, which is good enough for compiling rtt_ros_integration. However, in order to compile the orocos_toolchain I had to switch to the master branch for the utilrb and typelib repositories. Also, instead of creating a separate workspace for orocos I just put everything in my existing catkin workspace. Using two different workspaces caused some problems with finding packages. Now everything compiles if I issue catkin_make_isolated.
2 | No.2 Revision |
As pointed out in the comments, this error occurs because of incompatible versions. I solved this problem by following the instructions here:
This installs version 2.7, which is good enough for compiling rtt_ros_integration. However, in order to compile the orocos_toolchain I had to switch to the master branch for only the utilrb and typelib repositories. Also, instead of creating a separate workspace for orocos I just put everything in my existing catkin workspace. Using two different workspaces caused some problems with finding packages. Now everything compiles if I issue catkin_make_isolated.