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It looks like the CAN device driver has problems while sending out messages. The ros_canopen driver sends updates in burst writes, so the queue just might have run full.

Which CAN driver do you use? For the mainline kernel driver it might help to set the TX queuelen to a higher value: sudo ip link set <network> txqueuelen 15", it defaults to 10. If this does not help, can you please provide a candump? (e.g. via

I have just filed an issue for the queue overrun:

It looks like the CAN device driver has problems while sending out messages. The ros_canopen driver sends updates in burst writes, so the queue just might have run full.

Which CAN driver do you use? For the mainline kernel driver it might help to set the TX queuelen to a higher value: value with sudo ip link set <network> txqueuelen 15", 15 # it defaults to 10. If this does not help, can you please provide a candump? (e.g. via

I have just filed an issue for the queue overrun:

It looks like the CAN device driver has problems while sending out messages. The ros_canopen driver sends updates in burst writes, so the queue just might have run full.

Which CAN driver do you use? For the mainline kernel driver it might help to set the TX queuelen to a higher value with with: sudo ip link set <network> txqueuelen 15 # it defaults to 10. 10.

If this does not help, can you please provide a candump? (e.g. via

I have just filed an issue for the queue overrun: