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Unfortunately this robohub article is quite outdated. ROS _Fuerte_ (and two next versions after it: _Groovy_ and _Hydro_) are all end-of-lifed. It is also not possible to install ROS _Fuerte_ on _Ubuntu_ 14.04 AFIK. One of my colleagues is working on shipping a sample joystick teleop launch file with ardrone_autonomy. I will update this answer when those changes are tested and merged.

PS. Please check this documentation for installation instructions of ardrone_autonomy on ROS Indigo.

Unfortunately this robohub article is quite outdated. ROS _Fuerte_ Fuerte (and two next versions after it: _Groovy_ Groovy and _Hydro_) Hydro) are all end-of-lifed. It is also not possible to install ROS _Fuerte_ Fuerte on _Ubuntu_ Ubuntu 14.04 AFIK. One of my colleagues is working on shipping a sample joystick teleop launch file with ardrone_autonomy. I will update this answer when those changes are tested and merged.

To install joystick drivers and joy package on ROS Indigo you can run sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-joy ros-indigo-joystick-drivers in command line.

PS. Please check this documentation for installation instructions of ardrone_autonomy on ROS Indigo.

Unfortunately this robohub article is quite outdated. ROS Fuerte (and two next versions after it: Groovy and Hydro) are all end-of-lifed. It is also not possible to install ROS Fuerte on Ubuntu 14.04 AFIK. One of my colleagues is working on shipping a sample joystick teleop launch file with ardrone_autonomy. I will update this answer when those changes are tested and merged.merged. The code form the robohub article uses rosbuild (the legacy ROS buildtool) which is not supported in ROS Indigo. In order to use that code, someone needs to convert the build system to catkin.

To install joystick drivers and joy package on ROS Indigo you can run sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-joy ros-indigo-joystick-drivers in command line.

PS. Please check this documentation for installation instructions of ardrone_autonomy on ROS Indigo.

Unfortunately this robohub article is quite outdated. ROS Fuerte (and two next versions after it: Groovy and Hydro) are all end-of-lifed. It is also not possible to install ROS Fuerte on Ubuntu 14.04 AFIK. One of my colleagues is working on shipping a sample joystick teleop launch file with ardrone_autonomy. I will update this answer when those changes are tested and merged. The code form the robohub article uses rosbuild (the legacy ROS buildtool) which ~~which is not supported in ROS Indigo~~ (Please check the comment by @gvdhoorn) . In order to use that code, someone needs to convert the build system to catkin.

To install joystick drivers and joy package on ROS Indigo you can run sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-joy ros-indigo-joystick-drivers in command line.

PS. Please check this documentation for installation instructions of ardrone_autonomy on ROS Indigo.

Unfortunately this robohub article is quite outdated. ROS Fuerte (and two next versions after it: Groovy and Hydro) are all end-of-lifed. It is also not possible to install ROS Fuerte on Ubuntu 14.04 AFIK. One of my colleagues is working on shipping a sample joystick teleop launch file with ardrone_autonomy. I will update this answer when those changes are tested and merged. The code form the robohub article uses rosbuild (the legacy ROS buildtool) ~~which which is not supported in ROS Indigo~~ (Please check the comment by @gvdhoorn) . In order to use that code, someone needs to convert the build system to catkin.

To install joystick drivers and joy package on ROS Indigo you can run sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-joy ros-indigo-joystick-drivers in command line.

PS. Please check this documentation for installation instructions of ardrone_autonomy on ROS Indigo.