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Thank you for your respond Akif. i've done those step, but the result still the same. the strange is, my path which i put it in .bashrc is only

  source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash
  source ~/ros/install/setup.bash

but when printenv | grep ROS

in my ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=/home/adelleodel/ros/install/share:/home/adelleodel/ros/install/stacks:/home/adelleodel/rosadel/install/share:/home/adelleodel/rosadel/install/stacks:/home/adelleodel/rosadel/src:/opt/ros/indigo/share:/opt/ros/indigo/stack

my old workspace is include the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH (which is rosadel) and my new workspace (which is ros) though i don't write source ~/rosadel/install/setup.bash (i'm using setup.bash in install folder, can i do that?)