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It looks like your the base link of your robot is not oriented in the standard ROS way (see REP-103). As mentioned there, x should point forward, y left, z up. This most likely is an artifact from the converting the model from SolidWorks to ROS.

I see two ways of fixing this:

  • Edit the URDF model and modify it so the link frames are oriented correctly. For the geometries to be placed correctly, you either have to adjust the origin tags for visual and collision geometries correctly, or you modify the mesh files to have their origin oriented according to ROS conventions.
  • If you don't want to edit the URDF, you can add a static_transform_publisher that introduces a standard conforming base_link frame (you have to find the right transform of course):

    rosrun tf static_transform_publisher x y z y p r base_link Base_plate 100